Lists Exercise 📝

You might have already recognized the colours we were using earlier. They are part of the Solarized color scheme by Ethan Schoonover. The colour palette actually contains 16 colours and next up, we'd like to display them all:

const COLORS = [
  { colorName: 'Base03', hexCode: '#002b36' },
  { colorName: 'Base02', hexCode: '#073642' },
  { colorName: 'Base01', hexCode: '#586e75' },
  { colorName: 'Base00', hexCode: '#657b83' },
  { colorName: 'Base0', hexCode: '#839496' },
  { colorName: 'Base1', hexCode: '#93a1a1' },
  { colorName: 'Base2', hexCode: '#eee8d5' },
  { colorName: 'Base3', hexCode: '#fdf6e3' },
  { colorName: 'Yellow', hexCode: '#b58900' },
  { colorName: 'Orange', hexCode: '#cb4b16' },
  { colorName: 'Red', hexCode: '#dc322f' },
  { colorName: 'Magenta', hexCode: '#d33682' },
  { colorName: 'Violet', hexCode: '#6c71c4' },
  { colorName: 'Blue', hexCode: '#268bd2' },
  { colorName: 'Cyan', hexCode: '#2aa198' },
  { colorName: 'Green', hexCode: '#859900' },

You should be using FlatList for this.

For extra credit - also display the name of the color in white on the darker colors and in black on the lighter ones!